For the exhibition at Galería Gabriela Mistral, “Five minutes later” proposes an exercise in relation to the city, to the collective memory of Santiago. Located less than a block away from the gallery, the civic centre was photographed from the base of the Chilean flag hoisted in front of La Moneda in the central alleyway of the main vehicular artery of the capital and its image, subtly adapted, was transferred to the interior of the gallery. The exhibited work becomes the mirror of the everyday place, routine for many, which welcomes it and acquires a scenographic and eloquent value. Somehow, in the face of this non-explicit analogy, we feel paradoxically more present than ever, paradoxically, of the place we are no longer in, of the place we recently crossed on foot, in which we are again five minutes later, whether it be the civic centre or the gallery. The union of these two spaces, one “to see art” and the other “to see power”, are united through the most important nexus of the installation, the street, which is outside the gallery and is the support for the routine walking that crosses this point in the city.
The image is divided into regular fragments to be projected as a mural. The printing of the different units, and finally of the whole, can be done from an ordinary printer, which makes the piece reproducible at will, as in a “do-it-yourself”. But just as the image is displaced and projected in a new space, transfigured and projected in a new way.